Health for All

Health for All
Health for All activities are designed and implemented to ease access to health services for rural dwellers.
LAPO Community Campaign for Cancer Control (LAPO-C4)
The LAPO-C4 is an innovative community-based intervention aimed at creating awareness on cancer prevention, early detection and control. The disease has become one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria with over 100 persons diagnosed every year out of which about 80% die due to ignorance. The intervention was openly demanded by female beneficiaries of LAPO.
Project implementation prioritizes prevention and early detection. Key project activities are community-based advocacy; screening and referral linkages with community health facilities.
The Pilot Project began in 2016 with the following as focal states and territory
- Federal Capital Territory (Abuja);
- Lagos;
- Edo;
- Rivers and
- Imo States
The Project is implemented in partnership with community-based organizations and has now been scaled up. Twelve (12) Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) participated in the pilot phase.
The LAPO-C4 project has no doubt contributed significantly to the achievement of the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) goal of expanding cancer information dissemination, education and outreach services nationwide.
- 45,963 community members for breast, cervical, prostate and childhood cancer across the target states;
- 32,931 persons with various health conditions for further screening and treatment in government-approved health facilities;
- 7 million persons were enlightened about the scourge through community outreaches and distribution of printed handbills and stickers.
Maternal and Child Health(MCH)
Maternal and Child Health Programmes target women in rural communities in LAPO intervention areas.
MCH consists of the following:
- Health Awareness Creation
Creation of health awareness on maternal and child health with the production of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.
Community Health Outreach
This consists of community-based health awareness activities with emphasis on the following:
- Massive testing and counseling on:
- Blood pressure
- Blood sugar
- Malaria
- Hepatitis
- Prostate-Specific -Antigen (PSA)
- Cervical cancer
- Community Medical Outreaches
Medical Outreaches are organized in rural communities with medical teams made up of volunteers who provide medical consultation and basic medical care.
Serious medical conditions are referred to secondary and tertiary health facilities.

2021 Mile Stone