Integration of Health Education
and Microfinance Services
Integration of Health Education and Microfinance Services

The integration project provides an opportunity for clients of LAPO Microfinance Bank to also benefit from health and social intervention services delivered by Lift Above Poverty Organization (LAPO) during Union and Branch Council Meetings.
The project is implemented across the country with health staff deployed to sensitize clients on malaria, family planning methods, pregnancy care, cervical cancer, hepatitis-B, child immunization, diarrhoea in children prevention, HIV/AIDS and the dangers of self-medication, etc.
Comprehensive health screening and referral services are also provided to reduce self-medication, promote preventive health care and utilization of quality health care services. Beneficiaries are screened for malaria, blood sugar, blood pressure and HIV while breast and cervical cancer screening programmes are organized quarterly in collaboration with Edo State Cancer Control Programme for LAPO clients and interested members of their communities.
The project is aimed at reducinghospital attendance, cost and burden of ill-health arising from preventable diseases and related–conditions among clients of LAPO MfB in target communities.
- Increase in knowledge of participants on pertinent health issues
- Reduction in unhealthy traditional, cultural practices and misconceptions among beneficiaries
- Increase in the uptake of healthcare in recognized hospitals rather than traditional care homes such as Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA).
- Promote access of beneficiaries to screening services and ensure knowledge of their health status
- Promote regular screening practices for early detection of health conditions
- Reduction in self-medication and drug abuse.
Project Strategies
The key project strategies include:
- Health sensitisation during credit services
- Health screening services
- Referral linkage to health and other social support facilities
Key Accomplishments:
Health intervention has always been one of the poverty alleviation initiatives of LAPO. The integration project has boosted the impact of microcredit on poverty as time and money that clients would have incurred on the treatment of preventable diseases are saved or channelled to economically productive activities.